I have been invited to give a talk at tomorrow’s WordCamp LA “How To: Designing Your Own Theme.” It’s a pretty big deal, at least for me… and truthfully I am both honored and excited to be a part of this year’s WordCamp LA
As some of you might be aware, I am a huge fan of WordPress. WP has has such a tremendous impact on my professional life, and as I’ll briefly be touching upon tomorrow, coming from the world of television, to then discover WordPress has been transformative. Not only does WordPress power this site, but it also is the backbone for my sister site, MostMost. And while I will be talking tomorrow about the process of building an original theme, and using MostMost as the primary reference point (yes, MostMost is run on an original WordPress theme that I built!), as all of my clients can attest, not only do I eat this dog food, but I actively advocate for others to do the same as well.
I’m looking forward to meeting everyone tomorrow, but in case you’re not going to be there… if there is an interest in seeing my slides I’m happy to share – all you need to do is ask.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by David Gadarian, David Gadarian. David Gadarian said: WordCamp LA 2010 – I’ll be speaking there! 'How to: Designing Your Own Theme' http://t.co/2SGLiAq via @davidgadarian […]