2011 has come to a close and one of the great things about blogging anyway is the wealth of year end recaps.
Here is a list from some of the blogs that I regularly read. Trust me, you read through these posts and you will learn a ton!
In no particular order…
The Best of Copyblogger 2011. The folks at Copyblogger have become a must read for me. Not only are the posts great, but the comments within the posts can also be extremely helpful.
The Top 10 @DanZarrella Posts of 2011. Dan Zarrella has really come into his own this year with some great insights regarding what is actually happening versus what you might think is happening. Always fun to read what he writes.
560 Resources for Blogging, Online Marketing, and Starting a Business by Kikolani (Kristi Hines) – this post is sorted by sublists – find what interests you and dive in.
The Top 50 Posts from KISSmetrics of 2011 The folks at KISSmetrics have managed to become my favorite site of 2011. When this site publishes something it is always filled with a ton of great information. Read. Learn. Do.
And yes, I know there are a lot of very talented people working away, producing amazing content so while this list is in no way the definitive list, trust me when I tell you, going through these Top Post of 2011 will do wonders for your business.
And yes, if you have some other Top Posts of that you’d like to add, as long as they are in some way related to digital marketing feel free to add them in the comments.
[…] The June 9, 2011 Google Music Doodle Tweet by David Gadarian on June 8, 2011 Update: In case you are wondering, not only was this in my humble opinion the best Google Doodle of 2011, but Google has graciously decided to give this Doodle a home of its own so feel free to play this one anytime you want: The Les Paul Google Doodle […]