It is not everyday you see your work featured on CNN – but recently Gadarian Digital had such a privilege. Our longtime client Reed Alexander is doing some amazing things and we’ve had a unique seat in his journey as we’ve been maintaining and on occasion updating his healthy teen cooking and lifestyle website KewlBites for over 2 years.
If you are not familiar with Reed, he’s one of those amazing people that has somehow managed to achieve so much in such a relatively short period of time – and when I say a short period of time I am not exaggerating – he’s only 17!
The site, and for that matter the entire KewlBites effort was borne largely of a real life passion which is very eloquently covered in this interview on CNN by Randi Kaye. During the interview Randi and Reed also do a fairly deep dive focused specifically on the site.
An Ongoing Project
Over the years we’ve moved in a few different directions based on how Reed was looking to take his company. Much like how he operates in the kitchen, with his site Reed has a very forward thinking approach that is continually looking to build and to advance based on how the core of KewlBites is evolving. During that time, we’ve been very focused on delivering a very clean user experience while still trying to stay true to Reed’s audience in terms of design.
For a partial site redevelopment we added a number of new dynamic categories including a KewlBites Video Page as well as a page dedicated solely to the amazing work Reed is doing with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation which was founded in 2005 by the American Heart Association and William J. Clinton Foundation organization.
Our most recent efforts for Reed and his KewlBites’ site have been focused on introducing and distributing a new KewlBites newsletter – KB News. On his site we added a number of places for people to subscribe to the newsletter and we also created a customized template that aligns nicely with the overall look and feel of the site.
By the way – I’m going to do a shameless plug right now – if have any kids in your household you should really consider signing up for Reed’s newsletter – he provides some amazing ideas focused on making health fun for teens.
An Ongoing Relationship
The success that Reed has achieved is certainly way beyond the services we have provided for KewlBites, and we’d never imply otherwise. Our role with KewlBites continues to be very focused on what we do well – onsite efforts.
We’ve had a tremendous amount of fun watching the “digital” part of continue to grow and evolve, and we’re honored to continue to be playing a role in making that happen.
The truth is, as with all our long term clients, our single greatest joy in working with them has been our opportunity to learn from them – KewlBites is certainly no exception in this regard!