I recently had the opportunity to read “Real Time Marketing & PR” by David Meerman Scott which I found to be very compelling. I’ve put together this little video review to share some of my thoughts on the book, which I do recommend. Go ahead and click on the picture to get the show rolling…
(If you are coming in through LinkedIn or StumbleUpon please click here to view this video directly on YouTube).
Thanks again and I hope you get a chance to read this one. Also, let me say in advance that no I have not recently gone on vacation – I was experimenting a bit with my video process when I shot this so the it’s a little darker than I would like….
Also, here is a link on Amazon to purchase the book (NOTE: this is an affiliate link).
Hey David — thanks so much for the video review of my book and also for mentioning my speaking. Glad you enjoyed the book. Good luck implementing the ideas!
Hey David — thanks so much for the video review of my book and also for mentioning my speaking. Glad you enjoyed the book. Good luck implementing the ideas!
@davidmeermanscott Thanks David! I’m about to get “real time” on social media examiner. Sometimes timing in life is funny. http://goo.gl/ei0EZ
@davidmeermanscott Thanks David! I’m about to get “real time” on social media examiner. Sometimes timing in life is funny. http://goo.gl/ei0EZ