I am very happy to say that I’ve finally emerged from the bunker. What a ride. Over the past 60 days we’ve relocated from Los Angeles to Boston (my wife, our two kids both under 4 and me…) and today we are announcing the re-design of Gadarian Digital.
But first, let’s talk about the new name. As everyone who launches a business knows, a great deal goes into a name. We changed our name from “Gadarian Consulting Services” to “Gadarian Digital” for one reason – Gadarian Consulting Services sounded great but it did not really mean anything – as Gadarian Consulting Services it was not abundantly clear what exactly we did? Gadarian Digital is certainly much closer to what we do and who we are (I am Gadarian, and we do things digital). We played around with a few other names including “D&G Digital” (which looks great on paper but is actually hard to say) but Gadarian Digital felt best as I wanted people I’m in business with to know exactly who they are in business with and while we provide services, I’d like to think we go way beyond rendering services.
In terms of the re-design I am extremely pleased with how the site came out. I’ve overseen a number of site builds, and I’ve even built a few of my own and bluntly I think the new site “looks” great. I was very focused on not overwhelming just because I could and the overall effect is very focused. Hopefully when you come to our home page if you don’t already know exactly what Gadarian Digital does, it is readily apparent in under 10 seconds. I should also mention that I built this site using a premium WordPress theme called Headyway Themes. Here is a link to the
Headway Themes site (this is an affiliate link). I’ll have a more detailed post on Headway down the road… but overall I’ve been very satisfied with the results and with the process.
So now let’s talk about the important things like what next. Well for one let me say that much like I hope all of my own clients feel when I present them with a new site, I am very fired up! Launching a new site is always a special event and anyone who tells you otherwise has never launched a site. In addition to building the site, one of the great benefits of building a new site is that you are forced to examine so many aspects of your business, and my redesign was no exception – all in my humble estimation for the better. So the biggest element I’m bringing is more raw enthusiasm. As anyone who has worked with me can attest, I am never lacking for ideas or energy, and on occasion it is nice to be able to focus some of that energy inward.
Looking forward to finishing the year strong and heading into 2011 with some major momentum. I hope this finds you all well, and I look forward to hearing from you all.
All the best,
David Gadarian