I’m going to suggest that you all consider making a digital New Year’s Resolution for 2011! That’s right – a digital resolution. Every year people make resolutions to better their lives, and I think this year you should do the same for not only your ‘real’ life but also for your digital life. As the scope of business continues to travel online a digital resolution today could end up being a defining moment for your business because as we all know, things can move very quickly in digital time BUT you have to make it happen.
I’ll be writing about this in more detail over the coming weeks but I wanted to put the seed in your head now – if you want to do big things, you need big resolve – in fact you probably need a resolution!
Maybe 2011 is going to be your Facebook for business year, or maybe email marketing is the big push. Perhaps a new website, or maybe if you are a little further along in the process 2011 might be all about measurement.
For me I can say that my digital resolution is to find more online tools that can help me with my business and with my life.
Hoping everyone has a very a very big year. On my end 2010 has extremely dynamic and I am looking forward to taking so much of that momentum into this decade.
I’d love to hear what your own digital resolutions are for the upcoming year so go ahead and comment away. Maybe your great resolution will also inspire someone else!
2011 resolutions: crash twitter diet – remove clutter from twitter streams, better synching/streamlining laptop and phone, baby proof all digital equipment.
[…] I wrote about making a digital resolution for 2011 and with so much happening with social media, online marketing and with e-commerce I think a […]