It’s been a really interesting year in terms of what we’ve managed to publish. One of our early goals for 2011 was very focused on delivering some great content through our blog. Over time we experimented, learned and eventually even iterated based on past blogging “wins” and the results are the below selections – our Top Gadarian Digital Posts of 2011:
How To Embed a Tweet Like A Pro – This one still remains a personal favorite of mine.
Using Bing for Social Media Monitoring – 50+ Tweets – thanks to a few folks at Microsoft for supporting this post.
10 Reasons to Purchase the Premium WordPress Theme Headway Right NOW!
10 Reasons Why You Need to Pay Attention to StumbleUpon – Read it – this service is great.
5 Digital Identity Management Tips for Small Businesses
Create An Amazing Word Cloud In Minutes – another really big post on this site, thanks in large part to StumbleUpon
Livefyre Review – my most commented post to date – interestingly enough about a commenting system!
The following 3 posts were part of a social media series:
How To: Placing Your Social Sharing Buttons On Your WordPress Blog Page
The 8 Most Important Social Media Buttons for Your Site
Where to Place Social Media Button On Your Site
In addition one new wrinkle to my site was that I changed my permalink structure – so all that great “social proof” that I built (some posts were Tweeted 50+ times, other posts have been Stumbled over 1K times!) no longer shows up with my new links – perhaps eventually they will repopulate but in any event I’m okay with that as it certainly motivates me to do even better this year! I knew going in that I would be in some ways starting over in this particular regard but I also know that long term this was the right decision for my site. I bring this up because there is a lesson here…
Big growth for 2012 for all of us! Best, Dave