Today is a very big day for Nimble – a new social CRM that our digital planning company is an authorized solutions partner for.
As I mentioned when I first announced the Nimble partnership on our site, this company has impressed me tremendously in terms of the output as well as with how they communicate – in today’s very fast moving environment these factors are both MUST HAVES for any technology provider.
This article provides a full breakdown of what’s new in Nimble 2.0 but the big headlines are Nimble has introduced a paid premium level, advanced privacy settings (this is a must for any organization with more than one person, Facebook Pages and a updates user interface.
One other thing that I think Nimble does really well, which is something they introduced prior to 2.0 is that they provide each user with a daily update via email – the daily update pulls from your calendar as well as from your social stream and provides info like new jobs that any of your contacts might have as well as birthdays – this daily snapshot is a great way to stay connected with your Rolodex.
And by the way – don’t just take my word for it – go ahead and read the most recent review that the folks at TechCrunch wrote: Nimble 2.0 Looks To Give SMBs A CRM Platform That Actually Does Social Right – if you have ever read TechCrunch than you know these guys can be brutal.
Despite where 2.0 is currently, the thing that continues to keep Gadarian Digital very engaged with Nimble is their ability to innovate and continually push the needle forward. As a company Nimble appreciates the value of growth and iteration and for us as solutions providers we can feel confident not only in the product they currently offer, but also we can recommend their platform because we have confidence in what the roadmap looks like as well.
Lastly here is a “glory shot” to give you a sense of how the Nimble consolidated social dashboard looks:
So, if you have any questions, or if perhaps you think Nimble might be a good fit for your business feel free to reach out to me to see if Nimble is a good fit for you, and if so perhaps I help get you set up..