Later this month, on January 25, 2012 I will be co-hosting a FREE breakfast event in Burlington, MA from 8:00 – 10:00. There will be two presentation that will provide our guests with ideas to amp up your digital marketing for 2012.

The morning is focused on already established businesses looking to plan for and to achieve better results for 2012. The topics and paths discussed are intended to give existing business owners real takeaways that they can apply to their own operations immediately.

I am very fortunate to be partnering with Tom Hoarty of Action Coaching Business Coaching for this event. Tom’s presentation is “The Five Proven Ways to Double Your Profits” with a focus on how to get a better return on your marketing efforts.

Gadarian Digital Speaking Presentation Word JumbleThe presentation I will be giving is “10 Digital Takeaways to Enhance Your Online Efforts” and while the title is a little vanilla I can assure you that having done this presentation in the past, the feedback has been red hot. My personal goal for this presentation is to provide ALL participants with at least one tangible effort that they can take home an apply to their own business IMMEDIATELY.

Tom and I decided to collaborate on this event because during their course of conversations with each other we quickly saw that while we provide very different services there was also a very organic path between what we do. We determined that by presenting together we’d be able to deliver a ton of information in a very efficient manner while also exposing all our guests to a number of really great ideas covering a ton of ground. A great way to start the day… some great information, a little food and then off to the races.

For more details please feel free to either contact me directly or if you’d like to reserve a seat feel free to head over to this link to do so: – Again seating is limited.