I have just completed the HootSuite certification. I initially signed up for the course not some much to become ‘certified’ but really to become more fluent in the use of HootSuite. I’ve found the HootSuite application to be very robust in terms of streamlining how I utilize tools both on my behalf and also on behalf of my clients and I’m pleased to say I’m certified.
I’ve found overall HootSuite to be very impressive in terms of their desire to continually innovate and enhance their platform and overall it does appear that at least for now they are one of the winners in their space which also includes companies like Co-Tweet and Social Oomph.
As far as the certification process it was certainly solid in terms of how to use the application. Hopefully down the road as HootSuite University continues to develop the program will continue to offer more in the way of actionable items but on the whole I have to say that I’m pretty happy with the program and hugely satisfied with the HootSuite client – so much so I’ll continue to stay with HU for a while longer to see what the next few modules look like.
Meanwhile, I’m certified, so for all you out there reading this article and thinking, should I contact this guy – the answer is you should! CLICK HERE to contact me and I’ll get back to you shortly.