
Custom Facebook, Twitter and YouTube Profiles for Dr. Honrado

By |2013-01-05T21:31:24-04:00June 22, 2011|

I have just recently completed the first phase on a major project for Los Angeles based facial plastic surgeon Dr. Carlo Honrado. The scope of the project included building out an entirely new website. Over the course of the project I have also listed Dr. Honrado on a number of other key platforms including Google Places and Yelp.In addition, we came to the conclusion that social media was a great opportunity for Dr. Honrado to connect with his clients so building out nice social media profiles has been a big priority. For Dr. Honrado I built out a custom Twitter background, a custom YouTube background and on Facebook I built out a number of pages for him.(Click images to enlarge)
Custom Facebook Page for Dr. HonradoCustom Twitter Background for Dr. HonradoCustom YouTube Background for Dr. Honrado

Custom Facebook Welcome Page for CashPoint

By |2013-01-05T21:13:47-04:00June 16, 2011|

CashPoint Custom Facebook Welcome TabThis is a Custom Facebook Welcome Page we did for CashPoint - we've kept if pretty simple with a big focus on the graphic.Minimal calls to action with a focus on really trying to explain as simply as possible the value add of CashPoint with a primary push towards encouraging people to pick up the phone. The idea with this particular tab is rather than trying to do everything at once with a Custom Facebook Page, instead we have elected to focus on a primary call to action which will provide a good benefit for both the user and the company.(Click images to enlarge)

Custom Facebook Pages for New York Times Best Selling Author Terri Cheney

By |2013-01-05T20:57:29-04:00June 1, 2011|

We recently had the privilege to work with New York Times best selling author Terri Cheney during the launch of her second novel "The Dark Side of Innocence." Terri came to us with a very specific mandate - her publisher at Simon & Schuster told her that with the launch of her book she needed to be on Facebook.We built out a number of custom tabs to promote Terri, as well as both of her books and we also provided some coaching services specifically geared toward using Facebook. It has been really nice to watch Terri develop on this space and to see how engaged her audience on Facebook is with her.(Click images to enlarge)

‘Ease the Quiet Storm’ Custom Facebook Page

By |2013-01-05T20:27:12-04:00May 30, 2011|

In addition to providing strategic services for Why Science, we also built out a number of custom Facebook Tabs for both WhyScience and their movie site "Ease the Quiet Storm". As Why Science is an education company we were very focused on creating custom landing pages that very clearly explained the company (and the movie) and then created additional custom pages in order to deliver more value to each new Facebook visitor.(Click images to enlarge)
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