Assuming you’ve spent any time on this site, you know that a big value is placed on storytelling. If you are not familiar with Gadarian Digital feel free to read about my background and you’ll see – storytelling has had a big role in my life for a long time.
Or maybe you had an opportunity to ready our post titled “Telling Your Business Story Through Blogging” (which by the way, if you haven’t read yet you might want to).
And building on these ideas we created a worksheet to help put some structure around the process and to give you a nice jumping off point.
The worksheet is very much focused on helping you to develop a part of the “story of your business” and it walks you through a series of steps to help outline some of the key facts of your business as well as the areas where you differentiate. The worksheet concludes by having you take these “story facts” and use them to as the basis of for your “business story” blog posts.
And as I cover extensively in my book Better Business Blogging, “story telling” is just one area that you might want to concentrate on when crafting your entire business blogging formula, but the story of your business is a compelling reason for your readers to choose you over another business and this worksheet is a great place to start.
And here are the worksheet links again: