Have you ever seen one of those really neat “word clouds” on another website and thought to yourself: Wouldn’t it be great to create an amazing word cloud on your own site? Of course you have – as everyone knows, those word clouds look awesome and when you seem them on another site you can’t help but think that site is doing something you are not.
Well, no further need for any anxiety – here are two great solutions for you to create an amazing word cloud of your own: Tagxedo and Wordle.
With Wordle, the interface is a little simpler, but the word cloud look great:
With Tagxedo I have to say the offering is considerably richer – you can really put your word jumble on steroids with this service. Here is a word jumble I did for a recent article on Google’s new +1 service. As you’ll notice, if I embed it as an iFrame (which I’ve done below) the words will all start to pop out when I hover over them. Personally I think I prefer to embed the images but if you wanted some extra action this is a nice bonus. (BTW folks at Tagxedo, I think you could probably make your logo a bit smaller for the iframe embeds.)
Also, I was able to create this word jumble based on an image I created – how sweet it that! If you play around a bit you can even add a photo of yourself and they’ve gone the extra mile and they offer up mugs, t-shirts and posters if you wanted to purchase your word cloud (which would also be great for a gift). Yes, I’m excited about these guys!
Wordle is a really nice introduction to infographics, I use it a lot with student journalists who haven’t really thought of data before as a form of journalism. It’s great to put a speech into it and print it if we don’t have a photo to go alongside the article. Tagxedo I hadn’t seen before but looks really cool, I just wish it was running on HTML5 Canvas 🙁
Wordle is a really nice introduction to infographics, I use it a lot with student journalists who haven’t really thought of data before as a form of journalism. It’s great to put a speech into it and print it if we don’t have a photo to go alongside the article. Tagxedo I hadn’t seen before but looks really cool, I just wish it was running on HTML5 Canvas 🙁
@MattieTK Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts Mattie!
@MattieTK Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts Mattie!
[…] to share with everyone that I crossed a bit of a personal milestone a few weeks ago and my post Create an Amazing Word Cloud In Minutes which has received over 1,000 Stumbles (all of which were organic) so a special thanks to everyone […]
[…] Create An Amazing Word Cloud In Minutes – another really big post on this site, thanks in large part to StumbleUpon […]
[…] while back we wrote a post on how to create amazing word clouds. That post still to this day remains one of the most popular posts we’ve ever written on this […]